Setiap Bisnis Memerlukan Pendekatan Teknologi yang Berbeda, Sehingga Diperlukan Adanya Solusi yang Disesuaikan dengan Tujuan Perusahaan, Struktur Organisasi, dan Kebutuhan Bisnis yang Berkembang.
Kami memadukan pengalaman dan pemahaman yang telah teruji untuk memenuhi segala kebutuhan usaha Anda agar mampu menghantarkan solusi yang berkualitas. Baik pengusaha startup maupun pebisnis yang telah mapan di bidangnya, SOLTIUS adalah mitra terbaik implementer solusi IT pilihan Anda.
Founded in 1998, SOLTIUS has grown into a leading end-to-end IT services company that has successfully navigated businesses through change. We have over 190 technology professionals and serve over 120 clients in Indonesia and throughout the region.
SOLTIUS has been recognized as the largest contributor to revenue for SAP in 2015. We have a proven track record of successfully delivering reliable SAP solutions over the years to various clients across multiple industries.
Our robust network of industry leading strategic and solution partners deliver a wide range of solutions at all levels to solve critical business challenges. Our collaboration with a growing number of partners enables us to accelerate change, and serve clients more efficiently and effectively.
United VARs is the leading alliance of SAP solution providers for the mid-market. It consists of 45 market-leading VARs operating in over 90 countries. 10,000 certified SAP consultants serve over 8,000 customers worldwide.