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Cara Kerja Sistem SAP dan Fungsinya untuk Perusahaan

System Application Program or better known as SAP is a program to integrate each data management in the company. This system is based on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) so that it can process the data management of each line of the company's division.

In carrying out its work function, SAP does have a way of working that is not simple. Therefore you will be very difficult if you want to implement this program alone without the help of experts. And if you want to know how the SAP system works and its functions for the company, just read the full review below.

Get to know the SAP Program in Indonesia
This SAP program has actually been in Indonesia since a dozen years ago. At that time the SAP program was first implemented in the early 90's and has been used by various types of industries. Since the first time it was used, SAP was considered very efficient to help with the process of analyzing corporate data so that its existence is even greater until now.

And now the SAP program is one of the most preferred programs chosen to fill the Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) system. Because SAP itself is still the most effective with various modules that can meet all needs.

How the System Application Product (SAP) Works
After you know briefly about the definition and development of SAP, then next we will share information about how the SAP system works and its functions for the company, namely as follows:

Material Management Module
The first way to work is to use the material management module. This module will work to take care of every purchase or management activity from your company's inventory.

Sales and Distribution Module
The second module is sales and distribution which acts to increase the efficiency of each operational activity for shipping, sales, and billing processes for every order from consumers.

Production Planning Module
This module serves to accommodate every activity on the planning process of production activities in the company.

Financial Accounting
The financial accounting module will work to consolidate all company financial statements. In this case, the whole process will be carried out by one system, which is certainly all the data will be easier to integrate and minimize calculation errors.

The last module is the controlling module. This module will control and monitor all activities and data management for each division that exists.

System Application Product (SAP) function for the Company
Improving Consumer Services
By using SAP in the company, you can get all the data completely, from pre-production to post-production. And this is what will provide concrete information on consumer responses or conditions of market trends and competition. Thus you can take concrete steps to improve customer service even better.

More Efficient Production Planning
The production planning process will also be more efficient because all data is available automatically.

Monitoring Efficiency
One of the biggest advantages that can be obtained by using SAP is efficiency in terms of monitoring. The company can monitor all divisions with only one tool that has been integrated automatically. This will be very beneficial for large companies with many different divisions.

So there are some reviews that we can share about how the SAP system works and its functions for the company. Hopefully this review is useful!

Other Interesting Articles:
Definition and Implementation of SAP Indonesia.
Get to know the SAP system and its benefits.

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