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Pentingnya Penerapan Talent Management System Pada Sebuah Perusahaan

Talent Management System is considered important in the business world because companies will be more free to manage human resources as one of their valuable assets. This system appears as a form of awareness of a company against the risk of losing its employees because at any time can resign and switch to competing companies that offer something bigger and more attractive. Talent Management can also assist companies in making the best use of their human resources to achieve the company's goals. The following will describe the importance of implementing a Talent Management System in a company.


Definition of Talent Management System

Talent Management System or Talent Management System is an integrated strategy that is designed so that it can be used to manage the abilities, competencies, and strengths of employees in a company. Talent management implemented by a company can help the company in utilizing human resources to the maximum extent possible to achieve the goals that have been targeted by the company.


Principles of Application of Talent Management System

The principle of applying talent management is one that needs to be considered by the company. In principle, companies must be able to attract, develop, motivate, and also maintain the productivity of employees who work in the company.


The purpose of the Talent Management System

The purpose of the Talent Management System is to create a company that has high performance so that it can meet the strategic goals and objectives that have been targeted by the company.

With this talent management system, companies can assess, understand, and evaluate the performance of employees who work in it. This of course can create a strong foundation in the supply of goods or services from the company concerned. In addition, the company will also be more free to make decisions based on the abilities and talents of its employees.


Some Important Things that Companies Need to Do in Implementing Talent Management System

There are several important things that need to be done by a company in implementing a talent management system so that the system can work more optimally in order to achieve the goals desired by the company:


1. Understand the ability of employees and the personal development needs of these employees.

2. Improving management and leadership capabilities in the company.

3. Identify all the potential possessed by the employees contained in the company so that the company can find successors or successors for key positions in the company.

4. Developing careers and providing structured opportunities for employees to improve their performance within the company.


Four Pillars of Talent Management System

Talent management is a system that simply cannot be simplified. In general there is no concise way to simplify the system. This happens because of the condition of employees in each company will be different.


But the company can implement the four pillars of strategy in running the talent management system. The four pillars of talent management include:


1. Attractions

2. Development

3. Motivation

4. Retention


These four pillars will greatly assist the company in running a talent management system. These four pillars take place from the beginning of the recruitment process to the development process of the employees who work in it. All this is done in order to achieve the goals that have been targeted both in the short and long term by the company.


Benefits of Talent Management System

Talent management is an inseparable part of a modern business today. This system plays an important role in a company because it can provide great benefits in managing human resources as one of the valuable assets that exist in the company. Here are some of the big benefits gained by companies that implement this management system:


1. Put the right person in the right position

2. Retain highly talented employees

3. A good recruitment process

4. Can better understand the employees

5. Development of better and professional decisions


Thus the description of the importance of the application of talent management systems in a company. By implementing several important things in the implementation of this management system the company is expected to be able to manage human resources in order to achieve the goals that have been targeted both in the near and long term.

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