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5 Alasan Penerapan Mobile Supply Chain dalam Bisnis

5 Reasons for Implementing Mobile Supply Chain in Business

Mobile Supply Chain is considered to be able to increase the competitiveness of companies in the midst of global business competition as it is today. One way to increase the company's competitive value is to improve efficiency in the supply chain by implementing the use of information technology through smartphones and other devices. In addition, supply chain management by utilizing technological advancements can provide long-term benefits for all parties involved in the supply chain through cooperation and information sharing. Sharing information between parties involved in the supply chain by using technology can reduce uncertainty and can improve company performance in conducting its business. There are various reasons underlying the implementation of this kind of supply chain. The following will explain some of the reasons for implementing Mobile Supply Chain in a business run by a company.

1. Marketing Reasons
The implementation of Mobile Supply Chain makes a company able to compete in the market. By utilizing technology through smartphones and various other devices, a company can rearrange its resources to meet the changing market needs. For this reason, companies are now required to continue to be able to design and develop IT platforms as a weapon to compete in the midst of the current global economy.

2. Reasons for Relationship with Customers
Relationships with customers are the reason for a company to implement a supply chain that is supported by information technology. With a supply chain supported by qualified information technology, a company can create, develop, and improve relationships with customers.

Advances in information technology in the Mobile Supply Chain can automate relationships between companies and customers through the provision of product and price information. The system is considered effective because information can be obtained by customers in real time.

3. Reasons for Customer Service
The implementation of the supply chain which is supported by the development of information technology through smartphones and other devices can provide alternative ways of providing services to customers. Through these technological advances, companies can run e-commerce applications which are a form of customer service. Through this e-commerce application, they can provide services open 24 hours a day and in real time to customers. Thus, customers will get information about the products they want quickly wherever and whenever.

4. Reasons for Request Management
Demand management aims to maintain a balance between customer needs and the company's ability to provide supply. By implementing an information technology-based supply chain, companies can reduce demand uncertainty and make it easier for companies to synchronize demand planning.

5. Reasons for Relationship with Suppliers
The company must always be able to maintain good relationships with suppliers who are its business partners. The relationship is important to be maintained so that the availability of raw materials remains safe. The supply of raw materials has become a crucial thing for companies to run their businesses.

If there is a large supply of raw materials, the company is safe from the risk of shortages of raw materials. However, this kind of thing is considered inefficient because the cost of warehouse storage, maintenance, and safety of raw material stocks will surge. Conversely, when raw material inventory is low, warehouse costs will be low. However, this can cause companies to lack raw materials and will eventually make them lose the opportunity to meet consumer demand. This will make consumers switch to other companies that are able to provide the goods they want.

The use of a good information technology-based supply chain can help companies to minimize raw material inventories so as to reduce costs. Through the supply chain, companies can make agreements with suppliers. This allows suppliers to arrange for themselves when to send supplies so the company does not run out of raw materials. Thus, companies do not need to pay too much for storage warehouses and raw material maintenance costs.

Those are some of the reasons for implementing Mobile Supply Chain in a business run by a company. By implementing such a supply chain, a company can improve its performance so that it can achieve the desired goals. For more detailed information about mobile supply chain products, you can visit this link:

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