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5 Kesalahan Menggunakan Sistem SAP yang Harus Dihindari

SAP System - For large companies that have national and multinational scale, they may be familiar with SAP because it is basically a mandatory program that has because it is useful in managing and also integrating data in various fields ranging from resource data collection, sales of products to production. report making. With the convenience offered by SAP, there is nothing wrong if you as a businessman use SAP software to run your business and implement it in the company.
To be able to run the SAP software compiled on the main system and also the sub system. Of course, to be able to run this application properly you must understand SAP like what is needed by the company and choose the best SAP system. In order for the system to work properly, there are some mistakes that must be avoided as follows:
Inadequate Investment Value
The first thing to avoid is the investment value that is not worth it. As is well known that to be able to get and use this software must spend the investment value which is adjusted to the needs of the company. What you should know is that each vendor offers a different investment value. To be able to get the appropriate investment value it is important for you to see what the normal value is, do not bid below the normal because it is feared that the services provided are also not optimal.
Involving Incorrect People
Similar to the implementation of other ERP systems where to get maximum performance it is important to involve the right people. Many organizations or companies make the mistake of involving people or employees who do not understand IT. Even though employees who understand IT will easily understand the SAP system, not only that employees can also provide input on what is lacking with the system, what features are needed by the company, and so forth. This input will be very useful for companies to be able to develop business performance in a better direction. To get the best performance the company must involve each division such as the departments of manufacturing, finance, purchasing, marketing, and so forth.
Screening and in-depth research
Don't be mistaken in choosing a vendor or company that offers SAP software. The reason is that the best vendors will provide the best products and services. Therefore, in order to work optimally it is important for companies to ask what features these vendors offer and what advantages they have. The company can also evaluate how the SAP vendor handles challenges in the company using the system they have. In addition, the more clients they successfully handle this will be better because it shows that the vendor has a lot of experience with different client backgrounds.
Incorrect Priority Making
In order to be able to work and function optimally it is important for companies to create priority schemes that they want to achieve. Incorrectly making a priority scheme will make the company unable to get the maximum benefit from the system. Therefore, if you want to use this sap it's good if the company makes a priority scale of any problem that you want to overcome with the software so that the company will be able to get maximum results.
No Upgrade
The last mistake is not upgrading. When not upgrading the system on SAP, it cannot develop even though the ability of the software will continue to grow and be adapted to the demands of business and technology. If it is not upgraded the system capability will decrease and not function optimally again.
Thus some errors in using the SAP system are important to know, hopefully this information is useful.

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